Effective Delegation

Course Rationale:

Effective delegation is not simply about handing over a task. It’s about understanding the competence and commitment of the person you want to delegate to – how experienced are they at doing this work? Have they ever done anything like this before?
This presentation will help you discover critical delegation skills to make you a sign tasks better.

Target Group: Managers, Supervisors, in private, Government and NGO Sector.


  • Enable participants understands why Managers Don’t Delegate.
  • Explain the advantages of delegation.
  • Understand the good practice in delegation.

Course content:

  1. Why don’t managers delegate?
  2. Deciding when to delegate.
  3. Advantages of delegation.
  4. Delegation at individual level.
  5. Process of delegation.
  6. Developing skills in delegation

Case Study:

CASE: The Manager Who Loved Being in Control

LSK: 19- 9

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1 Comment

  • Billig kattehule Posted February 24, 2020 10:24 am

    How do I copyright articles that I have written for free?

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